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Samantha Kifer
Nov 08, 2018
In Ideas & Suggestions
Once again, I just loved this game and truly see the potential so I wanted to add some of my thoughts and ideas: 1) I am still a little unclear on the difference between destiny points and consciousness points. It would be helpful to have a clearer understanding or explanation of this in the beginning part of the game. 2) It's not clear to me what the consequence is of spending destiny points to make a choice different to what your parts agree on. I feel that if we are not playing in free will mode, we should not be allowed to select a choice that is different from what the parts agree on because that kind of reflects real life more in my opinion. Based on our level of consciousness at the time, we should not have access to certain choices. Maybe once we go through the dialogue with our parts, we can only pick the choice or one of the choices they came up with. 3) Maybe some negative consequence can happen if you make a choice without addressing or dialoguing with your parts, or ignoring them. This can reflect how we sometimes ignore our inner voices and feelings. Maybe it can impact the choices we can have access to going forward in the game, or can cause a moment to happen where the parts act in an extreme way causing problems in your life. 4) I like how the cursors reflecting the parts buzz about the screen. This to me kind of reflects the feeling of thoughts swirling in our mind. However, one thing I noticed when playing is that sometimes when the cursor was on top of a choice, I would click on it, but it would go right to me selecting that choice instead of going to the dialogue with the parts. Maybe don't have the cursors overlap with the choices so this confusion doesn't happen. 5) I love the relaxing music, and I love the potential idea of getting to choose music to match your feeling in a given moment. 6) Maybe there could be a section in the game where we reflect on the lessons we learned in a phase of life. Kind of like in IFS where our exiles take on a burden because of how they perceived a situation went. This then could generate and create exiles and protectors in real time. Maybe it's too complicated from a game mechanics standpoint but could be pretty cool. 7) Maybe in the community mode when we can access and play through other people's stories, we could offer more compassionate ways for them to respond to their parts. Maybe this is part of your original concept, or maybe not. 8) Some of the more Self-led responses when dialoging with the parts seemed kind of far away and distant to me. This is hard to explain, but the language seemed more complex and intellectual, rather than practical and heart-centered. I'm not sure if this is making sense. But I'm wondering if people would connect with the way it is written now. I know what answer is the more "conscious" choice, but I found myself not selecting it because it felt unnatural or disconnected, or not making sense. I'll take some more time to think about this and see if I can give an example of what I'm talking about another time. 9) Keep up the good work! And I hope to see this game out there some day even if the kickstarter doesn't work out.
Samantha Kifer
Nov 08, 2018
In Life stories
When I did my first play through and wanted to try the self-authoring mode... I immediately saw the potential for therapeutic impact. Basically, I was planning to create a moment that relates to the very moment I am experiencing in my life right now. I'm a school counselor and have begun to see red flags and signs from my current principal that reminds me of a previous boss I had that created a very toxic work environment. What I felt like my lesson from that time was that I waited too long before getting out of a bad situation. I kept hoping things would get better, but my boss kept treating us poorly after apologizing over and over and promising things would be different. Now I'm in the same situation again, and I'm wondering what to do. There are parts of me that want to get out of the situation right away. There are parts that want to stay and see what happens. There are parts that are worried about staying too long again, etc. I can see the therapeutic value of being able to flesh all this out when creating this moment in my life that can ultimately help me make a Self-led decision (I love IFS!)
Samantha Kifer
Nov 08, 2018
In Bug Reports
Hey! Just did a play-through of the prototype and I really love this game! However, I noticed that when I got to self-authoring mode, I was able to click "new moment" to pull up an editor box, but then when I clicked on the space to write a description or one of the options, nothing would happen. The same thing occurred when I tried to go to the conversation section. I clicked on the speech bubble icon but nothing happened. Hence, I was unable to use this feature. I can definitely see the amazing potential, though!
Samantha Kifer
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