Sometimes I feel quite mixed about things. I created this tool to express more complex emotions when chatting with friends on social media. I hope it inspires you to think about how you feel, deepening self-knowledge and creating deeper connections.
You can select from a list of 197 emotions out of 21 categories, to find out what word most accurately represents your state of being. You can stack up 6 different emotions to represent different aspects of yourself, rather than just feeling "mixed" or "torn". A slider enables you to weigh the emotions, so you and your friends know much better what is going on for you, inviting curiosity for even the slightest experiences, long before they become overwhelming or explosive.
1. Select your emotions
2. Mix them up
3. Copy & Paste to you chat window


Try the prototype! At the moment it is only available for Windows PC, but with a little help I can release it for Mac, as a Browser application or for all mobile devices.
If you have ideas for additional features or find a bug, please send me a message.