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This project aims to create an episodic animated short film, featuring different artists that illustrate and voice actual unburdening sessions as they occur using Internal Family Systems Therapy. The goal is to visualize the power and beauty of healing your inner children, to celebrate with people who had similar experiences and to inspire those who are seeking to heal.


When I first started doing therapy I had scared and skeptical parts, that did not trust that the process I read and heard about would work for me. After I had my first unburdening experience I was blown away by how wonderful it feels, but also how beautiful it sounds when I am listening to a recording of it. I love to communicate meaningful ideas using art and I enjoy working with other artists, and in one of my therapy sessions it became clear to me that I  really want to create this project.

David Murent


My experience is in game development, which includes many different aspects: Setting up and maintaining a business, marketing, hiring, teamwork, programming, animation, video editing and of course, lots of self-healing during all the ups and downs of life - balancing finances, relationships, parenting and self-care.

My latest game project was 5 years in the making and successfully launched in May 2018. I have learned a lot during the development, and this film project will be fairly easy compared to a complex video game.


I discovered Internal Family Systems many years ago, but only started to do therapy with the attention it requires in 2017. Since then it has become a regular practice, and I consider it one of the most important skills to master for a liberated mind and a peaceful world.


I am talking to different artists right now, and with an estimate of their costs I will set up a crowdfunding campaign using kickstarter or indiegogo.

With enough funding, I am planning to hire animators, voice actors and musicians – all of them preferably with some experience of inner child work of some kind.


If you are interested in this project, please like this page or subscribe to the newsletter, so I can keep you updated about important developments. Please also consider sharing this page with others who might enjoy it as well.

If you have ever contacted your inner children, you know how important it is for them to be seen. This is my offer to all the exiles out there – let me know who you are and please share these precious moments. I would love to turn your experience into art!

Are you inspired and interested in participating in this project? Let me know about your ideas. I would love to cooperate with artists, therapists, coaches and clients!


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These transcripts are taken from my own IFS therapy sessions. I am sharing them to demonstrate how healing and beautiful these experiences can be, and what kind of stories could be used for the film.

 If you are interested in submitting your own recorded sessions or transcripts, or if you want to tell me about your best unburdening experiences. please send me a message.

Click on any of the icons below to read the entire experience.


Fishing Trip

My inner dad is speaking some words of comfort, so that I can let go of the belief that he does not love me when I make mistakes.

Happy Birthday

An exile is heartbroken about being left at the kindergarten and gets relief from being listened to for the first time.

Love Letter

A confusing reaction to a love letter creates confusion, and my inner parents help me to have perspective, liberating me from old beliefs.


My inner parents understand why I was losing trust in them, unburdening the beliefs that I am ridiculous and not worthy of respect.

Letting Go

In this session parts are able to finally let go of needing to be loved by people it has been hurt by in the past.

Trusting Myself

Old disconnection with a teacher and feelings of pain, anger, shame and guilt are unburdened by an empathetic inner conversation.

To feel or not to feel

A dream pointed me to a part that was violently angry. I used the images and emotions to unburden an exile that was trapped between the belief “I am not allowed to show emotions” and “It is bad to suppress emotions”.

At Peace

My inner mom and me reconcile after we have been angry at each other, discovering that what we both want is love and respect.

First Love

My true Self parents help me to understand the confusion about my first girlfriend, why I thought she lied and how I was afraid that I would loose my parents if I pursue her.

Coming Back

My parents come back after 30 years to apologize for threatening me with abandonment,  helping me to trust that I can be who I want to be.

Ring of Fire

People from the past create a circle of fire, burning away old beliefs about self-worth.


True Self energy give me back self-trust to follow my intuition, letting go of the belief that I have to be someone else to be loved.


Fear of losing a pet and being afraid that I won't be loved if I expressing pain are finally heard and unburdened.

Dreaming of Surfing

A dream about death helped me to contact two protectors that were keeping me from feeling pain of not being understood as a child. The Unburdening released new creative energy and a celebration of life on the beach.


The pain of feeling inadequate for not being able to throw a ball like others gets unburdened in this session.


A very young part is set free from the belief that I have to be quiet and sleep, when I actually feel alive and want to move around.

In tune

My inner child is afraid of singing, and true Self is sending some love to let me know that I won't be rejected for that.

Leaving School

A young part that was scared of going to school finally gets heard and is allowed to go his own way.


Beliefs about failure are uncovered, and with the help of my inner dad unburdened, giving me back a sense of self-trust and hope.

Power and Love

In this re-parenting experience I am dismantling the belief that I can only be loved if I am helpless.

Muddy Waters

A dream about emptying a library and feeling sadness reminded me of how I stopped trusting my parents. I unburdened the belief that “I can’t trust anyone”, and regained hope and self-trust.​​

Your Unburdening?

Submit your experience! Let other people know how much it helped you, so we can heal the world.

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Please like this page or subscribe to the newsletter, so I can keep you updated about important developments. Just like you, I don't like to be spammed, so I will keep the messages to a minimum.

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The images used on this website are placeholders and will not be featured in the final artwork.

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