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Writer's pictureDavid Murent

Ticket to Ride

Where is it? Is it a place in the past? Ask this part to show you an image or a memory that made it first feel like this.

I have the sense that we are at the part of the amusement park that is leading out towards the parking lot and we are just passing the place with the little cars. I can smell the exhaust fumes and it's really loud.

And I somehow have this memory of that I am holding on to this railing that has been painted over many times in different colors, always falling off in little chips. I am holding on to it, because I desperately wanna go back and continue exploring the amusement park, we haven’t even been to all the rides and why would we want to stop and go home or go somewhere else, if there is so much excitement and fun here. I don’t understand and I just wanna stay here, I want to hold on to what feels so good. At the same time I am pushed along and dragged, and the people that I love don’t share that experience, and that's also confusing and disorienting. I don’t understand why they don’t feel the same as me.

What is the believe about itself?

That people don’t understand me, but also that holding onto something that’s fulfilling or wanting to get my needs met for fun and play and excitement is not good.

Where do you feel that in your body?

My throat, my chest, my heart, my arms. Yeah, my throat feels like I was screaming a lot, screaming and crying. I don’t wanna let go, I don’t wanna leave this place, that's so fulfilling, and exciting and stimulating. To go back on a boring car ride and to discomfort.

What else does it want to tell you, so that you really understand how it is to feel that way?

It doesn’t make sense to me to leave if there is still time, there is still daylight, and there is still things left unexplored. It doesn’t understand why people aren't as excited as me. It’s heartbreaking to not be understood or not be respect. It’s confusing. I thought they understood me and loved me, but it seems they don’t.

What does it need?

It needs understanding and care, I think also communication and just love.

Do you want to send you parents to a healing place, or how do you want to heal that part?

Yeah, I want my parents to be just infused by true Self, and then the situation changes.

They stop. They stop pulling me, or moving on without me – leaving me behind. Or looking at me like there is something wrong with me. All these things, they disappear. And they just stop, right in this moment when they notice that I am upset about something. And they are both looking at me, they go down onto my level, and they are looking at me with curiousity and care, trying to understand me.

Create an environment for this part, to really feel love. Where is it? What does it look like, what does it feel like?

It's still in the same place, on this path out to the parking lot next to the very loud go-karts. And I am also different now. I am not tightly holding onto the railing and screaming any more, also more open about what I am experiencing, because I am not afraid that it’s a disconnecting experience.

They ask me: Whats going on for you? Seems like you are upset. Is it that you don’t want to leave?

And I can say: Yes.


I feel sad that we are leaving, because I was so excited to be in there, and there are so many things we haven’t seen yet, and I think there is much more excitement to get. I am scared that we will never come here again, or that we won’t experience a day like this again. And I am really missing a lot of fun and play, also being together with you and having fun. I am missing that a lot in my life, and I try to hold onto this moment because it’s so precious to me. And I don’t understand why we have to leave, it’s confusing to me. I also don’t understand why you are not as excited about this place as me. It’s just confusing.

Lets take that part out of the current place, and bring it to a place of love, where you can be with it.

They are both hugging me and I can feel their love – through and in my body. I am missing that. I need to know that we are all together in this life. And I can feel that they care about me and that they are not far away at all. They are very close.

And they also tell me: We understand that. We could see that you really enjoyed being there. You were as excited as we had not seen you in a long time.


And we are happy to know that you had this great time there. It’s understandable that you never ever want to leave. You want to hold onto what is a very fulfilling experience. And we can assure you that this is not gonna be the last time that you have an experience like this. Even if we go somewhere else, where at the moment you can’t imagine it would be exciting. Just like, just being in the car or at home. I assure you, we will make that happen together. That there is gonna be an exciting and fulfilling experience right around the corner, where we are going. Trust me, life has a lot of of ups and downs, where you have these moments where you feel super-excited and very fulfilled – it’s so intense compared to other moments that you wanna hold onto this moment, being afraid that if it goes downhill and then you feel discomfort, pain or boredom. You don’t trust if it goes down that it’s gonna come around and the roller-coaster goes up again. But it does, it does every time. And if you are holding on to this moment, it’s like stopping the roller-coaster in the tracks, when you could keep on going and be open to the experiences that are waiting.

So, take my hand and let’s see what we can discover on the car ride or at home and find things to play.


Let’s make that happen together.


What does it sound like? What does it smell like?

I completely lost track of the go-karts sounds around me and the fumes. Because I was so close to my parents and experiencing the pain of mourning, of letting go of this moment, trusting them, and trusting myself that it’s gonna be okay. And not only that, it’s gonna be great wherever the future will lead me. And I am ready to go. I am ready to leave this moment behind, I feel that I am loved, that I am understood. And that I will get my needs met.

Ask this part now to release all that burden, that it carries. How would you like to release it, so that the energy gets transformed.

I would like to take that ticket, that we got for the amusement park. I would like to crumble it up, into a really tiny ball, and then through it into the trash can. There is no need for me to hold onto that and keep it. Because I know I can buy tickets as much as I want in the future and I know I can do whatever I want to get these needs met, that I just know were met – I could feel how much they were met. And that experience gives me the trust that I will be able get that again, or even more of that in the future. So I can just let go. And we get in the car and take off.


What does it look like, what does it feel like?

It’s the end of the movie scene. We are leaving, the car is passing by from left to right and in the background there is the amusement park still doing its thing. And I am moving on to the next.


Imagine for a moment that this part is merging back into the body, with all that feeling that just emerged, into every single cell of your body.


Yeah. That’s an important feeling.

Lets bring into the scene all the protectors, so that they can see and witness the transformation.

Yeah, the Preacher and the Analyzer are very happy and pleased that, even though they didn’t even know what they were protecting, that them stepping aside led to an important discovery and an important unburdening experience. They feel happy, and they all have shared experience of joy of being able to help every little part to finally pass through what they were not able to process and finally be able to let go and move on, and to be open to what’s lying ahead.

How do they feel like?

I feel relieved and happy. Grateful also for self-leadership. And I also feel excited for the inner child being happy on the car ride. Hopeful.

How do you feel like?


I feel so happy.


And liberated.


And very hopeful.


I can’t stop laughing.


Oh, yeah.

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